Sunday, July 31, 2005


Seemed that I had a special affinity for the furry kind. Val lau's puppy (misnomer), actually a huge dog enjoyed splashing her saliva all over my face. My ears and nose appeal to it the most; she treated it like dog biscuits. -.-'

Last night when I was prowling my beloved camp, a dog on a hill barked at me. Angry and exhausted, I gave a bark back. Amazingly, it stopped treating me as an aggressor and meekly let me pass. (!?) Now, was I a lycanthrope in my past life?

Unrelated: Was trudging slowly through Choa Chu Kang bus interchange. My heart skipped some beats when I thought I saw the Desert Rose. Upon closer inspection, it was another person but the resemblance was startling. The stranger was a Malay version of the Desert Rose. Whew.

And NUS, NTU and SMU are having orientation week tomorrow. What will happen to all my friends two years later?

Friday, July 29, 2005


Actually had a couple of things to write. But I am still reeling from the combined effects of being

microwaved in a vehicle, radiated by the sun on top of a truck, pumped by the sergeant, drills and marching round the parade square ad nauseum (and many others, like stand-by universe, set up a 5 storey high antenna and so on.)

1/2 of those things above could be avoided if my sergeant never had such drastic mood swings. (i refuse to use that dreaded word here.) And on top of that, my guard duty is shifted forward to tomorrow, in less than 8 hours time. So * @#$353 it.**

* encryption provided to protect the minds of younger viewers, such as those below 21.
**but as you know, most enlightened readers will find the most suitable word to sub. I don't reveal the word because *!@#ny guys may mistake my website as, well, some other sites. SO PLEASE GO AWAY. SHOO IF YOU LOOKING FOR ANYTHING. SICK. zZZZZ

Saturday, July 23, 2005

Quizzes from a friend's blog.

Another of my bored entries. Usual warning: Do not proceed further if you take the quiz but do not take it with a pinch of salt.
Kind person
Your wise quote is: "Be kind to unkind people,
they probably need it the most" by
Ashleigh Brilliant.
You try to look beyond apperance, try to give
people second chances and are probably very
kind. Understanding is your biggest personality
trait, and thoose you can see through should be
grateful. If they aren't already. You detest
narrow minded people, because they can't see
what's really there. Facades is not your thing
and you strive to always be who you really are.

What wise quote fits you?(pics) UPDATED
brought to you by Quizilla
Your wings are BROKEN and tattered. You are
an angelic spirit who has fallen from grace for
one reason or another - possibly, you made one
tragic mistake that cost you everything. Or
maybe you were blamed for a crime you didn't
commit. In any case, you are faithless and
joyless. You find no happiness, love, or
acceptance in your love or in yourself. Most
days are a burden and you wonder when the
hurting will end. Sweet, beautiful and
sorrowful, you paint a tragic and touching
picture. You are the one that few understand.
Those that do know you are likely to love you
deeply and wish that they could do something to
ease your pain. You are constantly living in
memories of better times and a better world.
You are hard on yourself and self-critical or
self-loathing. Feeling rejected and unloved,
you are sensitive, caring, deep, and despite
your tainted nature, your soul is
breathtakingly beautiful.

Image is a painting by Natalya Nesterova,

*~*~*Claim Your Wings - Pics and Long Answers*~*~*
brought to you by Quizilla

Friday, July 22, 2005

What a small world! -.-'

"Many a man claims to have unfailing love,
but a faithful man who can find?" ---------Proverbs 19:6

!?!!!! ....that stung me and leapt at me, as if the Word is alive and talking to me. Almost choked on my dog biscuit that I was nibbling.

Spent that night looking at the ceiling on my bed, thinking about that verse instead of loitering aimlessly around Lot 1. I do not know how to describe that feeling, that mixture of regret, sadness, confusion, anger, self-pity....

How can I claim to have unfailing love? What makes me think that I am what it takes---the one and only one?etc etc etc. That night, my conscience gave me a thorough tongue-lashing past midnight.

Finally, I decided to stop pitying and torturing myself. The only person that is perfect and always loving----the most qualified person to take care of the Desert Rose's every my Lord Jesus Christ.

It took God's word to realise how immaturely childish I was, how foolhardy I was in this ...pseudo relationship. No wonder so many people are so cynical towards marriage, sadly. This time, I personally extinguish all wishful hopes.

And the rose shall lie in the rubbish heap forever.

Sunday, July 17, 2005

The Future

While resting in the midst of my guard duty (ok, slacking), I slumped my exhausted body on the steps leading to the medical centre. With my rifle leaning on my leg and an unobstructed view of Choa Chu Kang Stadium, I contemplated what I want to do with my future....

Since I am going to get a military driving license (conversion to a civilian one depends on several factors), I might as well take up driving (or maybe I would have one by then) at the nearby driving centre. Envision/dream that I will either take up German (very rusty now, the only thing I know is a swear word) or the Cisco course. Play Dota. Talk cock with Raymond. Fishing. Slack.And so on.

I lifted myself wearingly as dawn was coming, with streaks of sunshine piercing through the dark clouds....

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Of Mice and Men

Sadly, I am unable to attend my little sis's WASBE concert, whatever WASBE might mean. Spent my Saturday doing guard duty (again X2). My sergeant seems to have a sadistic pleasure of burning my weekend away on "protecting the nation".

Met many animals along the way. List includes:

  1. Snakes
  2. Rats
  3. Snails
  4. Grasshoppers
  5. Praying Mantis
  6. Cockroach
  7. Fireflys
  8. Fat lizards
  9. Toads
  10. Dogs

With these animal friends accompanying me, I need not feel lonely. Meanwhile, I heard that Raymond has just emerged happily from a scuba diving trip talking to fishes.

"Ah Teck, swing your legs higher brave, are you of mice or men?" a certain very dedicated Track teacher.

I whimpered softly, "of mice..."

Friday, July 08, 2005

Little Green Men

Had a navigation exercise last week---not in some deserted place or jungle, but our very own Choa Chu Kang

Had a tour around our friendly neighbourhood with a compass and a map. Wearing green fatigues, helmet and SBO, we elicited many curious stares from the public-----from drivers to ah sohs doing post delivery service. Furthermore, I had to carry (though we rotate) a rectangular metal box on my back with a 2m long vertical antenna sticking out (radio).

Picture that image with two other bored soldiers walking under the HDB block. Along the way, we came across a bunch of primary school children, who have not seen soldiers (or soldiers with an antenna sticking out) before. They giggled hysterically at us especially me as I attempted to walk under the bus stop (since the antenna was flexible, it could well...bend). Wanted to tell them that we are your friendly soldiers, ala from Hao Gong Ming, but I guess embarrassment overrided(or is it override?) that urge.

Our final checkpoint was at Choa Chu Kang park. Like lost Japanese tourists, we gathered on one spot figuring out where the last park shelter was. Just then, a group of young adults playing hide and seek came towards us.

"You all from Signal Institute ah?" "Eh ..yah" "Oh we just found some clue on the lamppost..something like Eagle". They continued their hide and seek, while we followed their direction. True enough, our last clue was found. Man, really appreciated the help of friendly civilians.

So next time if you see a group of army guys in helmet walking around urban areas, do give them a hand. Sometimes it can raise our morale too.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

EZ link card

After close to 3 years of service, my ez-link card has decided to die on me. Had to pay adult fare and exchange my polygonal mugshot for another one. Tried to apply for the NS concession card ages back, but as usual, the Army, being the decisive force, decided to issue me only 1 year later. Which is probably my ORD day, when I exchange my 11B for the pink IC (at the same time take the NS card, which is kinda pointless by then)

No EZ-link card= No more student value meals at Macs, KFC, LJS or Burger King=No more going to LAN shops.

Meanwhile, the new Raymond (with dyed hair and all) is enjoying his Freedom party right now. 555 days more to a 7 month long break.

Friday, July 01, 2005


I happened to chance upon this newspaper article that was on the front page. It was about this aged Singaporean couple that managed to stay married for 75 years. Really admired them. The old man aptly said, "Divorce should never be on the man's dictionary." It happened to be a Singapore record.

Sometimes I hate myself for learning corrupt language. It was by accident that I finally got away from my "ah beng" friends. (how ironic). Thankfully, I managed to extricate myself on time, before I became totally corrupt (if exposed long enough). The temple should never be defiled. Thankfully, my conscience still agrees with me on that point, if not I would prolly had a mental breakdown. The act itself is sacred and should only be preserved for marriage. Enough said.

In between crashing physic courses and network engineering in camp, I had time to gaze at the ceiling. Gnashed my teeth at times. Why does the Desert Rose leave such a deep impression on me? As long as the angels protect her safe and sound everyday, I shouldn't care a thing.

Attempts to forget about her failed miserably. Admiring 'scenery' at Orchard with Ginway. Checked. Yuki and Yaki. Checked. MRT rides. Checked. In the end, it just left a sore feeling in me. Arrrrrgggggghhhhhhhh. If war ever breaks out, please Lord, always watch over her, my family and friends. Hopefully we last more than 3 days....Prolly would be called out and take up arms again.

Why does the Lord still loves me, despite me being sinful and crass and evil. Why Why Why? Perhaps it will take me an eternity to find out about His grace, which I desperately need.