Saturday, July 02, 2005

EZ link card

After close to 3 years of service, my ez-link card has decided to die on me. Had to pay adult fare and exchange my polygonal mugshot for another one. Tried to apply for the NS concession card ages back, but as usual, the Army, being the decisive force, decided to issue me only 1 year later. Which is probably my ORD day, when I exchange my 11B for the pink IC (at the same time take the NS card, which is kinda pointless by then)

No EZ-link card= No more student value meals at Macs, KFC, LJS or Burger King=No more going to LAN shops.

Meanwhile, the new Raymond (with dyed hair and all) is enjoying his Freedom party right now. 555 days more to a 7 month long break.