Actually had a couple of things to write. But I am still reeling from the combined effects of being
microwaved in a vehicle, radiated by the sun on top of a truck, pumped by the sergeant, drills and marching round the parade square ad nauseum (and many others, like stand-by universe, set up a 5 storey high antenna and so on.)1/2 of those things above could be avoided if my sergeant never had such drastic mood swings. (i refuse to use that dreaded word here.) And on top of that, my guard duty is shifted forward to tomorrow, in less than 8 hours time. So * @#$353 it.**
* encryption provided to protect the minds of younger viewers, such as those below 21.
**but as you know, most enlightened readers will find the most suitable word to sub. I don't reveal the word because *!@#ny guys may mistake my website as, well, some other sites. SO PLEASE GO AWAY. SHOO IF YOU LOOKING FOR ANYTHING. SICK. zZZZZ