Met Wai Leong at Tampines MRT. Waited 10 min for him because he had forgotten how to tie his combat boots. After all, he's only human. (I almost forgot how to fold the damn uniform.)
It was drizzling when we finally reached Choa Chu Kang. Perhaps Heaven was mourning for us for the time we lost (more like wasted) travelling there. Noticed that Lot one is undergoing a facelift, just like White Sands and countless other women.
Managed to hail a cab and lo and behold, it was the newest model (the most environmentally friendly apparently, some Euro standard). The cab driver suaned (=sarcastic remark) to the poor cabbie in front of him, saying that he got the passengers (=us) because his cab is newer.
Apparently, my army friend had his camp pass. Somewhere, I could not find mine so I had to go to the guardhouse and get a visitor's pass. Did not bring a camera handphone, like all obedient (ex) SOLDIER, though it almost destroyed my cam phone when I tried to put the SIM card to the old HP.
It was a prudent decision to take a cab, albeit an expensive one. The cab almost horllanded to God knows where. Cost a hefty $5 each instead of the usual 3. Had time to eat the Han Guo Mian (literally Korean noodles) and sit in the mess.
Almost burnt my G.I tract in the process. The auntie just dumped the whole packet of chilli in the noodles.
Had a talk by the commanding officer about mobilisation. Damnit. It clashes with my next sem's timetable! Wth. I wonder if I can defer this kind of things. It is gonna be quite stupid if they call me in the middle of lecture and I have to rush home just to go back and report to camp.
Caught up with old friends. The RSM, as usual, asked everyone to cut his hair, which nobody cared. All my understudy have been promoted. Time really flies. Especially if I have to take IPPT soon.