$50 voucher
Sometimes it is good to have credit card. Apparently, as a reward for being a loyal customer, my mother received a $50 voucher to dine at Jack's Place.
Hence, on a fine afternoon after thinking through an organic chem qn, I proceeded to meet my mother at Tampines Mall Macs. Did not expect medium steak to be so red in the inside. Nonetheless, it satisfied my animalistic instinct. Fleisch.
Speaking of flesh, I recall Ashraf receiving a pamplet on why we should all turn vegetarian.
- Not all our teeth are used for slicing up meat. Some are used for grinding veggies.
- Our large intestine is actually quite long, compared to the relatively short tract of carnivorous animals.
- We squirm at the sight of blood as a natural instinct (YES, the pamphlet actually said that!)
- Hence we must have evolved from an anchestor that does not consume purely meat.
- Furthermore, from energy losses and all those crap, we gain more energy eating veggies than animals. And its healthier. And saves a couple of animals from being extinct. And saves the world and henceforth..
Had a satisfying meal eating the Jack's Special. Succulent beef gloriously spread out, begging me to eat it. Meat had never tasted so good.
While I was enjoying the ambience, and accidentally breaking a crooked candle at the same time, I heard this background music playing. The music reminded me of one of the blogs that I used to visit. Hmm.