Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Sweltering Heat

Dragged my No.3 shoes back to the gates of RI. The inertia to just remain at home is sometimes very tempting.

Could have ended my day very early, like the first week of RI, if I did not have the additional responsibility of taking care of 5 research project groups. It is making me work beyond the stipulated 5.5hr on Monday and Wednesday. Not to forget there is staff meeting on Tuesday as well.

Ate the canteen food at RI for the sole purpose of sustenance. A long day ahead, in which I also attended a talk by Sister Theresa, a 109 year old lady that is helping other old folks. She learnt a multitude of languages during her earthly tour helping in different countries. Surprisingly, from the video, she looked younger than other old folks 20-40 years her junior. Her quest for knowledge might also put many to shame.

Trudged home alone after an uncomfortable sleep on the MRT train back home. Under the sweltering heat, I ordered a Ben and Jerry icecream. Which was a huge mistake. Rule No. 1: Never order a cone icecream under hot weather. To my dismay, the moment I stepped next to my traffic light, the icecream was melting rapidly. I ended up licking my fingers instead of the cone, my handkerchief soiled with Ben and Jerry's. -_-