Tuesday, March 06, 2007

A Surprise Visit!

With a series of events still swirling in my head, I walked dejectedly towards Junction 8. Was surprised to see Yeo Feng at Mos Burger, together with Ashraf, Nic Tsao and Thng.

Was apologetic that Yeo Feng saw me in a pathetic state. After all, it's the first time in a very long time that we meet. Proceeded with Yeo Feng, Nic and Ashraf to buy some speakers, after a dissatisfying meal of course, my mood affecting my tummy.

After a mentally exhausting day, I slumped at the back of Yeo Feng's manual car. Alighted at Tanah merah together with Ashraf.

More stringent=More proactive. The activation energy is high. Sometimes I wonder why am I putting so much energy. It is tiring if left unchecked. A lesson learnt. Looks like I have to put in 110% from now on. One Term and 3 days left.