Monday, March 05, 2007

Still Waters

Sometimes, it is good to take a good breath. Spent my weekend worrying over, as my friend would say, a small but embarrassing screwup. Meanwhile, I have to concentrate on looking at all the nitty gritty details of various admin tasks.

Only marked 1/2 a class so far. Have 4 1/2 more classes to mark before the start of the March holidays. Sleepiness comes in waves. I almost KOed while invigilating a student taking his Common Test. He had better do well, even so after my intensive tuition with him last Friday.

Bought a CD of "Still Waters". Had been one of my goals for the longest of times. Somehow, my father managed to get a voucher for 1.2k, which allowed him to purchase a brand new laptop by just adding $700! Talk about grace. Even I was surprised that a simple letter written by me was sufficient (which I assumed it as hopeless due to negligence) .

So moral (e, Dr Chan) of the story is, if you don't pursue things to the end, you might never find out if the desired outcome is possible.

Window Vista looks cool (meaning pleasant to the eye). I wonder how long will it take before XP becomes obsolete.

4 more days before R&R.