Total Defense Day

Total Defense Day. The day which Singapore was invaded by the Japanese on the 15th of February on the advent of Chinese New Year. What an auspicious day to choose the invasion.
Anyway, back in school, the first period of my Thursday lesson is being swapped with the official assembly period on Tuesday. While most teachers bemoan the fact that they have one extra lesson on Tuesday instead of slacking around, I was feeling quite happy that my period on Thursday is a free one.
Ignorance is bliss. Only on Thursday itself did I realise that I have: Assembly, Bio, Bio Lab, Recess, Bio, Bio -_-. So, while I enjoy on Tuesday, now all the teachers who suffered previously get to enjoy.
As usual, on Total Defense Day, they invite some old boy (man) back to RI to recount his horrifying war experience. He read his experiences off a script (understandable, since he is like..90+?), which makes the boys restless. Had a moment of silence at the end for all those Rafflesians that were gone during the Jap Period.
Now, come to think of it. RI has a tradition of inviting old Rafflesians back on Total Defense Day...ever thought how will RI continue that 50 years down the road? It will probably be our turn to stand at the podium. "Rafflesians, 50 years ago, even though lao zi did not experience World War II, but I can recount vividly how the older boys used to say. Subjected to Kempetai, humiliation. We (actually they) ate sweet potato and tapioca. Oh yes, and we did not have President ____ on our was a banana tree...."
Chinese New Year Celebration: Came to school dressed like an angbao. Some has commented that I look like a bridegroom due to my maroon shirt O.O Anyway, received a $4 angbao from my Form Teacher, as well as a few oranges to plant on RI ground. RI concert: the 5 houses like to use Jay Chou's soundtrack. Bet the Chinese Department must have heard until xian liao, especially Ms Yong Chai May. Shook my head a few times in response to some of the very lame acting. Overall, it was very good to waste time.
Proceeded to have a Long John Silver breakfast with the relief teachers, after which we all went to watch a HK movie "The Protege". Quite a depressing show I must say. The only thing that I learn at the end of the show is that drugs is bad, injecting drugs on the neck and anywhere else on the body besides the arm is suicidal.