Saturday, October 22, 2005


To the recently departed, from 2000? to 2005:

Dear Cuchi,

You have faithfully served my sister in your lifetime. Even though your life of 5 years may appear short to us mortals, however, it is actually 50 years in rabbit terms. Sadly, I was not present when you breathed your last; I was sweating my eyes out running 4 km. It was with much regret when I received a belated SMS about your demise.

I remembered you from your infant years, from a palm sized bunny to a larger-than-4 feet put together rabbit. My sisters have always treated you as a younger brother/additional member to our humble family. I must admit that it caused much jealously in me, with me entertaining thoughts of rabbit stew. No hard feelings ya?

As always in one corner next to the washing machine, you ate your meals obediently and did your waste properly. We dared not introduce a partner to you, as we knew how frisky and aggressive you could be (even more so than the red-blooded me). Sorry that you died as a virgin, but we could not afford to feed a dozen more hungry mouths. It must have been your biggest regret in your rabbit life.

Alas, all good things must come to an end. You have brought tears in my sister's eyes. Instead of a cage, a void remains. I imagine you must be now in rabbit heaven, enjoying the company of other male and female rabbits that have departed before you, living your life in paradise. My family misses you.

Yours faithfully,
The used to be jealous older brother