Doctors and Dota
<p>Disclaimer: Its gonna be about DoTa, though the main emphasis isn't about it
As a war veteran in the game of DoTa at battlenet, I have seen all sorts of players---"gay", leavers, vulgar, decent, etc. For the first time in my one year+++ in Lordaeron, I encountered doctors in dota!
It was a fierce 2 v5 battle against them. Time ticked by as I unsuccessfully tried to penetrate their base----it was congested with stasis traps and remote mines. Even though my hero has reached its zenith (terrorblade equipped with burize, skadi, butterfly, threads). But alas, I was no match for the graduates from NUS. Employing their brainpower to the max, they wear us down by attrition, fiercely defending their towers even though I employed my cunning to the max.
It was no help considering that 3 of my teammates abandoned us at the last minute. (charge them with AWOL!) Frustration grew at every passing minute. Though the doctors clearly (and sorely) lack in itembuild or skill, they more than make it up for their sheer determination and superior tactics. They distract my heroes away from my base while sending another of their minions to happily whack our heroless base. (backdoor=technically not allowed)
At last, I was overwhelmed by their traps. My beyond godlike streak has ended due to exhaustion. Overconfidence was the key to my defeat. After taking too many hits, my hero succumbed to the blows of my enemies. I had spent too much money on my previous reincarnations. =(
The doctors roared in triumph. Quickly, they deployed their heroes to my base. Time passed agonisingly slow as I helplessly watched my base getting thrashed. By then, I knew it was too late. The game was over. The doctors congratulated me for being such a worthy opponent, though I can sense a tinge of arrogance in their messages. "SHEER DETERMINATON..HAHA..."..."WE WON"..."DOCTORS USE THEIR BRAINS.HAHA" "SUCK MY @#$#$#% (heavily censored)"-.-'
It was an eye-opener, though I lost in an unconvincing manner. If only I had the cunning of Abin Tan, the "proness" of Zepeng and Mingheng, my team would have levelled their base a long time ago. But I guess fate and luck wasn't on my side that game.