Saturday, September 03, 2005

Semblance of Sanity

Trying to maintain whatever semblance of sanity I have in the camp. It's pure mental anguish to endure 7 hrs with my instructor every week. Thankfully, I have my previous signal platoon with me, if not I would have probably gone mad days ago.

I dare say if I place a flower pot with me for driving, the flower would wilt by the next day. Have to grit my teeth which almost bit through my tongue every lesson; the stupid organisation makes it that we, the lowest lifeform in Singapore, cannot argue back but reply meekly, "yes...yes sir..."

No. 1 Rule: If you sense that you are about to be screwed by your boss/teacher/instructor/senior NEVER ever reveal that you are from RJ. Always say some other JC, like you are from XCJC or ZJC. So that all you will hear is, " from blah blah JC oso like that ah". I only have this blog to vent my frustrations, so if you find it too naggy, im sorry. Bottled up feelings may lead me to be a psychopath one day.

Every night, after this intense period of anger and fear, I would probably think about the past which is futile but I still do anyway. Sometimes, I wonder what would happen if I had listened to Raymond and not given the rose to the Desert Rose.Both the Desert Rose and Hotseat seem to be illusions to me now; ethereal beauty I must sadly say.

SMS: Dad and Mom:"How r u doing? everything fine?"
"Im ok. dun worry." which is a blatant lie, but I don't want them to worry unnecessary. I resolved to get through it and emerged stronger. I would never want to touch foot at the accursed place ever again after these 5 weeks. On to happier stuffs.