Military Style Driving
It's not heaven there. Don't go patting on my back and say "you lucky @#$#%# get to learn driving." I would rather relive all my BMT training than endure 5 weeks of this, which is in fact months of driving knowledge in the civilian world compressed into a gruelling 1 month.
My instructor and I share the same mutual feeling towards each other; both dread seeing each other. The former thinks that I cannot make it, has no talent for driving etc etc. Meanwhile, I have renewed vigour in detesting myinstructor everyday, with increasing fervour. Imagine Harry Potter having one-on-one driving tuition conducted by Severus Snape.
Everyday is excruciating slow. I have to go through the motions everyday, where I would have 100 min of driving, parking, theory and a simulator ride that makes one puke. Urgh. Malays are a great bunch of fun-loving people. They make driving a less ardous process.
Having a driving license is a privilege. Hopefully I would find it easier to convert to a civilian one once I am free from the army.