Driving down the expressway...
Civilian drivers automatically signal right when they see two things: an accident or an SAF vehicle. In the past, I used to think that 50 kmph is reasonably fast (compared to 10-45kmph for first time drivers).
It is a sad sight to see so many vehicles zooming past you. Even the garbage truck and cement mixers had an ego-boost going past my vehicle. The SAF vehicle is like a monorail in the fast lane expressways of sonic trains. So pitibly slow that I could see bushes in detail. The SWD (speed warning device) is like a muzzle on a dog's mouth.
7000 km is an impossible target. By the time people clock 1000km in camp, it would be ORD loh. Next week should be quite a hectic week. Going to have range. It's been a long time (1 year plus) since I shot any live round.