Ever felt as if the world has stopped to a standstill? The soft whirling of the air-conditioner coupled with the ticking of my clock were the only sounds audible in my room. That is, besides my breathing. Almost certainly you could have heard a pin drop. As usual, I was staring at my ceiling, pondering about some stuffs....
Myth 1: Guys are smarter than girls. ( and you shall hear the uproar of all feminists who do not bother to look at the next sentence, or the word myth)
Reality: Not true. Takes a bit of ego-bursting to all chauvinists there, but YEA. If you spend your prime of your age of 19-20 in army, you will only end up saying "duh". Repeat after me, "duhhhhhh". ....
Myth 2: Girls do not know how to play DoTA.
Reality: Not true either. Stumbled on this group of girls playing DoTA in Paradiz. Must say that we were feeling ultra happy after the end of the game. Though seriously, if they wanted to, they can easily pick up the game. Since if there are girls who play CS...
Myth 3:In Narnia Chronicles, Aslan is said to represent Christ.
Reality: Hmm, this merits a serious debate. In conflicting sources, many churches have endorsed the novel. Only a minority vilify it. According to some sources, C.S Lewis was never really a Christian convert. In fact, he was using "Christianity" to sell off his books to a even greater audience. Steeply involved in the occult even in the last of his days, he was said to have worshipped the sun god Apollos as a lesser incarnation of Christ! Now, that would have been sacrilegous and a blasphemy! On closer introspection, Aslan seemed to follow the characteristics of Apollo (more than the oversimplified representation of Christ). Go search the Internet for more info. It is actually quite disturbing to see our fellow brethen and sisters rushing to read or watch, while all the New age witches are laughing at our foolishness. Even I was deceived by the seemingly Christian theme it was spreading.
Note: By the way, it was said that all New-Age witches and wizards (if you call them as such) are required to read the Narnia Chronicles! Also, in the demonic game Dungeons and Dragons, the book was said to be a recommended reading. (Incidentally, rapists and murderers have claimed that they were under the influence of D&D to commit those heinous crimes :S)