After theTitanic Battle between 3I, some members of 3H, 3B and 3J and 3K on Saturday, I succumbed to a flu bug. I don't recall eating any "heaty" stuffs that week itself(including KFC with Raymond) , but I guessed it is probably due to a skipped lunch while engrossly playing LAN. Thankfully, I never donated blood on that week (ironically because I was sick 2 weeks earlier). Cannot imagine how much white blood cells will be M.I.A when I fell sick.
Woke up having a high fever of 38.3 (!!). Slept through most of today, getting up only to blog and blogsurf as I have just taken Panadol. Supposed to celebrate my father's birthday, but due to unforseen circumstances,
I was left at home alone. Felt miserable as I had intended to finish the Physics options, which I was lagging behind. Was that how the Desert Rose felt during the previous week? She was sorely absent with a swollen eye, fever and sorethroat...must have been quite miserable.After reading through abintan's blog, I realised I have no "balls of steel". Desert Rose was happily walking home with her friend and 2 of my classmates. Even in the presence of Alvin Ong and Ginway, I could not muster the courage to walk nonchantly past her. -.-'. Expectedly, got diaoed by the both of them. Sadly,
there was no autumn leaves to aid me in the process. How do I tell her that I like her, without sounding too desperate?
By the way, all italised information is from