Monday, July 19, 2004

Boiling Point

Results have been dismal so far. Added a 10 to my strings of Kings in this ill-fated Common test so far, though it could have been a Jack, but I chose not to bother with the trivial begging of 2 marks at this point of time. Read through my friend's blog. Similar to his predicament (though his expectation is very much higher than mine), somehow the one month hiatus (i.e. no CCA) apparently did me no good. Even though I tried to study according to schedule during the 28 days, the results do not show (yet I pray). Is it true that studying last minute helps, like Raymond who effortlessly got his Aces? Why?

If the teachers want to agitate me into revising wiser, more ruthlessly, and more diligently after this calamity, I must say they have succeeded. Boiling point has been reached. The only thing I feel sorry about is when the Cambridge markers receive our scripts in 7 months times, when they will all receive our pent-up but flawless answers from not only me but 700+ students in our cohort...RAAWWWR...."and the Beast was released from its cage. Not realising the peril he was in, the Owner put his hand in its mouth..."

Today shall be my 3rd last entry (I think) for a long time. Watched a GP video about Philosophy and Religion. It had made me think a lot about faith, relativisim, naivete and life. Wondered if I had too little faith to start with. If getting a string of not so good results does not shake you, then good for you. Really. But if you place your trust on your own experiences, isn't that the same as what the world perceives, that is only the present natural circumstances? What difference then would be our senses and faith?

Read through one of Desert Rose's good friend and classmate's blog, about how helpless she felt in her struggle with faith as well. Looks like I am not alone. (Hint: that's already a very big clue to who I am talking about.. Anyway, she's also one of the few person I admire as well.) Think she must have done relatively well this time as well.

Not much happened today, except perhaps the fact that I nearly had an encounter with a thief in the wee hours. As I was walking through a deserted section of White Sands alone, a teenage guy cycled past me hurriedly. Immediately, a shout was heard. The owner of the van who distributed Gardenia and Sunshine (to NTUC) was ruffled that the teenage boy tried to sneak off with a packet (?) of bread, but failed. Is it poverty, a dare from his gang that motivated him I will never know. Suffice to say, I could have stopped him in his (bicycle) tracks easily if I wanted to, but since he rode with nothing except a bruised ego, we just watched him cycle away.

Floorball was much better this time. Gradually improved but still need to learn how to tackle past a defender. Jasmeet's team surprisingly got thrashed in the 2nd and 3rd match. Guess that my body is getting used to this sport after a week, as I feel less lethargic and more alive.