Aces and Kings
Dr Chan said something which made me reflect. I asked him why Mn2+ and Cr2+ had such a great difference in standard potential (even though that one has only a +1 proton difference). Then he told me that chemistry is also like the grades you get. For example, 1 mark less than an A also has a lot of difference.
Getting 2 kings is sad. The aces were so near, yet so far. Nevertheless it taught me that I cannot, and will never be complacent. Still remembered and was touched by how my Chinese teacher 2 years placed great faith on us even though I had obtained C5 for Chinese during Prelims (for those who know who, she's Mdm Tong..). Just wished, hoped and finally believed that through the vigorous practise I'm gonna put starting from tomorrow, I will not disappoint Dr Chan and co.
The Kings must go....and be replaced by aces. Lord, guide me and Excalibur. Then guide me as well.