Monday, March 02, 2009

More Buses and Train

After 4 long hours of lecture, I made my way to the bus stop---I chose to take 198 across 198 instead of 95 just across the road. That was mistake no. 1; I had ended up waiting for more than 16 **** minutes for that single bus! Almost fell asleep on the bus, when I realised that I had reached Buona Vista MRT.

Just as I was going up the escalator, I missed the eastbound train. Ended up waiting for 6 min for the next **** train to come. As usual, the train was packed with humans. Trudged my body towards the intercarriage link. Again, I had almost fallen asleep standing up. This continued for many more stops until I reached Bedok. Finally, I had a vacant seat that allowed me to rest. Plonked myself and I think I really fell asleep.

On the way home, I bought a Cadbury Mcflurry (new concoction by Macs), which promptly melted into a slurry in the blazing sun. Ended up drinking the slush. Reached home and got myself a well-deserved break before dinner.

Joo Koon. Still not used to seeing "Joo Koon 5 min" instead of "Boon Lay 5 min". Why does Joo Koon sound like Raccoon to me? Aha lame.