Monday, November 06, 2006

Beng and Meng Company :D

I was dozing off to lalaland, with soothing background music provided by my friend's mp3 player. (guess how many rules were broken already; give you another hint, that song was from my friend's cd that had many other songs). Meanwhile, my mischievous friend Ngai Meng kept on playing corny games with our understudy.

After he had finished tickling the understudy, he turned his attention to my reclined form on the dusty armchair! In his usual low and husky voice, he chanted the same few words over and over again.

"Teh Peng, milo peng, teh peng, milo peng, teh peng, milo peng , teh...X100"

That was sufficient to interrupt my sleep. Without saying a word, I opened one eye and closed it, pointing a defiant gesture towards heaven (displaying a symbol of manhood). A silly monkey giggle ensued, and then he continued chanting his teh peng milo peng chant again, much to my dismay.

Since we were in the signals company, why not put our skills to use? Hence, *points above* that corny name you see above. My store 2 IC decided that the both of us would specialise in surveillance technology. We would be at the zenith of our creative power, though with great power comes great responsibility...coz our skills can be used for GOOD and EVIL....I would be director and Mengz would be assistant director. Yeah. Only the two of us currently.

Went to the medical centre. Long queue of guys waiting for the Medical Officer to just sign the clearance forms. One guy even dared to bring his girlfriend into the den of wolves, or rather coloured wolves. I applaud his courage. His girlfriend was quite the eye candy, though my morals, if any, kept me from ogling for too long, lest a fight of manhood ensues, which aint gonna be pleasant for the guy (actually me).

On a serious note, I must commend on the strong and long lasting relationship that the both have. It takes faith and great love for them to continue throughout the strenous 2 years of hardship and separation. Rare.