Dental FFI
Don't ask me what the FFI mean, honestly I don't know and I don't care. Regardless, all NSFs must look forward to your FFI dates. This means that your day of redemption is approaching. Anyway, cut the crap. My friend and I were at Yew Tee MRT, discussing the fastest possible route to Kranji involving the least energy.
"Teh peng, the street directory says turn left leh. See!" He jabbed his finger to the map, triumphantly pointing the word "Kranji Camp " to me. "
"But my friend said go straight leh" I protested.
In the end, I reluctantly followed Ngai Meng around. As you know, Ngai Meng is also known as the Legendary Ah Meng of the Scorpion Company! Enough said. Ended up in front of a forsaken road (more like sand trail) typical of third world SAF camp standards. He sheepishly admitted his folly, albeit very softly, as we jogged back to our destination.
As usual, SAF regulars have the priority, since they breathe, live and eat more SAF sand than us NSF. No thanks, I would rather remain a NSF than a regular, by the way become NS man soon.
The waiting time was atrociously long, even longer than A&E at Changi Hospital. Well, that's due to the fact that a pissed off dentist serving his NS liability come in strolling at 1130a.m. Cannot blame him; who likes serving NS.?Either they are ultra dedicated or insane, which I am neither.
"2-11 , crown. 2-10 crown. 2 something something erupting (wisdom teeth I suppose?), as the female dentist examining my SAF teeth said a string of numbers which I do not understand. Wonder what is she doing there anyway. Please. Work anywhere but camps. You do not want to waste your youth looking at pissed off NSF (after a long wait). Furthermore, there are always guys as cannon fodders. Male dentists I mean.
After a long wait past my lunchtime, I walked to Eddie's bunk, which is opposite the medical centre. How convenient for him. He was, at that time, also conveniently coincidentally booking out for his dental FFI (appointment) at Orchard road.
Now I finally see the light. That is why they say dentists always have 100% employment rate, coz you will always have a healthy supply of wisdom teeth provided by happy NSFs and regulars. Since SAF takes care of their personnel so excellently, why not use it? Bu na bai bu na. Just an exaggeration to prove a point. But I do wonder sometimes how many wisdom teeth have SAF personnel plucked just to get a 2 weeks MC? :D. God knows. I prefer to have my teeth.
By the way. The dental centre is plastered with lame posters such as:
Once tooth decay sets in, training becomes an uphill struggle....Always maintain oral health , showing a camou on soldier happily brushing his pearlies, which is kinda impossible if you tell me. Coz firstly,1) You will be ultra pissed off during a field camp.
2)The last thing you want to do is to brush after being smeared with soil and mud.
3)Brushing your teeth does not help, especially after much cursing and swearing.
And other quirky posters like Your Dentist does not go on board with you (navy). Have you gotten your dental clearance yet?
Amusing. Perhaps staring at the display set of Oral Bs, fake teeth, mouth wash and other peripherals have made me temporary insane. :D (wide grin).
"Serve them well, and they will serve you for life" Guess where that came from?