Thursday, September 28, 2006


Time gets exponentially slower as your ORD approaches. Even DoTA at the signal store does not help much nowadays. (DoTA=wargaming ; >2 laptops connected by a switch=networking ; wireless LAN..well is just testing out our 3G laptops capabilities. )

Went to Serangoon area last week. It is amazing to see so many Indians on a street. Makes you wonder where have they been all this while. Must be preparing to celebrate Deepavali. Anyway, my friend's car crawled to a snail pace. Traffic lights were useless. People just crossed the roads whenever they feel like it. One wonders why there is no major accidents in the area...

Battalion anniversary. Haven't touched a bowling ball for a very long time. The battalion cohesion happened not too long ago, which makes the anniversary kind of redundant. But as long as there is one less working day, no one is gonna complain.

After many nights of singing/warbling, I just realised that I love Sun Yan Zi............................... 's voice. I opened my eyes and ears to many new songs. Will come in useful when selecting songs at Kbox. :)