Sunday, August 06, 2006

The Fourth

Met up with Sis's cool group of friends. All of them much older than me. For once in a full blue moon, I am able to roam so freely in Suntec City in the late afternoon. (without a worldly care, especially booking in).

In case my dad looks at this page, which I highly doubt so. Anyway, my 4 year old Nokia 8250 miraculously worked after a call from Sis, despite several attempts of destroying the phone. (out of frustration). Was almost resigned to my phone being just a relic of the past, capable of only Snakes and SMS. (not even calls).

Damn. Just to spoil my mood, my PC shifted the timing forward by 1/2 hour, to 0730. Now I have to get up blardy early to catch the first train.