Friday, July 14, 2006

Happy Hour

The so called SAF way of destressing and rest and recreation. My current OC is leaving. The battalion decided to send him off with a celebration.

Food was catered for, courtesy of Singapore Food Industry. Those that came from the cookhouse was relatively left untouched, while those ordered by OC was finished. (fries and onion rings).

Had karaoke throughout the night. RSM entered the mess later, but we pretended to not notice him. He had a sad night drinking beer alone with the CO. Meanwhile, our two former PCs came back and were welcomed with much applause, more so than the CO (in fact he had none).

Ended around 11pm. Apparently, some got drunk and had to be carried back. Is it true that drinking makes one forget his troubles? The drunkard sounded very tipsy and happy. I will never know, because I can never smell the horrid stench of beer and drink it.