The Legendary...
Sucker. That's the term used to describe Tsunade, the Slug Tamer from Naruto Series. Little did I expect after my longer than usual stint at Kakit Bukit Driving Centre that I had made a name for myself. While my bunkmate got the best driver award, I became a legend among the driving circles. (more like infamous). Didn't expect my junior to also hear rumours about me.
It must have been months. The day that I left the accursed place, I swore to myself never to touch that place for a long time. (that is, after making my @#$!%$@#$@#4@ instructor waste $200 on me. Deserves it anyway. What comes around goes around). You pay peanuts, you get monkeys. Likewise. Treat us shabbily. And we will give you hell.
Glad to meet so many old friends during the past few days. Trung, my Vietnamese ex-classmate, was sighted in City Hall. Sadly, I was rushing at the moment. If I had the time, I would wanna catch up with him.
98 days. Reminds me of how we used to count down to the A levels.