Tuesday, October 05, 2004


Decided to adopt one of my friend's MSN nick as it reflects what I have been thinking about for the past few hours. My practical skills need to improve. Lack of confidence, trust in my self effort had let me down. Hotseat's blog aptly sums it up: "Life is like a casino and everyone expected to win", though I do not agree that part about life. Life is not dictated by luck and neither is it by self. Ever heard of "I am the captain and master of my ship"? Trust me, after some time you will have unnerving questions like "Why am I doing this?", "What's all this struggle about?" etc etc. Though bathing keeps the body clean, nothing physical can clear the dirt of the inner man. We all crave for food, but how many actually bother to fill up the spiritual void?

Hotseat is quite beautiful intellectually. Her blog is a good way to improve my vocabulary. Note: The Desert Rose is not one of the XX friends that I mention in my previous post, in case readers jump to conclusions. Anyway, more on this. Last time, the two of them kindly invited me to City Harvest. Will they be receptive if I invite them to the Rock? (before we go our separate ways after A levels....)