Sunday, September 19, 2004

Zhiruo Vs Zhaomin

Through the help of the ever-reliable Eddie, I have managed to fill my photo gallery full of Zhiruo's pictures. An epitome of femininity (is there such a word?), though I can imagine some of my friends puking by now, those rooted in Zhaomin's camp. One man's meat is another man's poison; (does it ring a bell, the word "epitomises"? Be it coincidence or otherwise, I was using that word in my MSN conversation with Raymond on the day before:)

Anyway, here's a review site for all Heaven Blade, Dragon Sabre 2003 lovers:

Gosh, I realise I need my weekly dosage of Yi tian tu long ji to keep me happy for the week, just like countless others. Shan't dwell too much on the past Physics and Chemistry Papers 3. Suffice to say, I need to make amends during this week.