Tuesday, August 17, 2004

Three Little Bears

Had an interesting conversation with my daily online friend. Somehow, I veered into the topic of Desert Rose and my friend thought of an extremely creative name for she and her clique. (By the way, he also gave her the codename "Ang Bao", I came up with Hotseat). Any resemblance is not purely coincidental. As I forgot to save the history, I shall try to replicate the scenario

The conversation went something like this:
Z: Yoz man, what ya doing?
Tb(倚天屠龙):Blog surfing and blogging
Z: Hey man, I come out with the new name for (true name of Desert Rose) and her friends. How about we call them 3 little bears
Tb(倚天屠龙): ?why they called 3 little bears?
Z:Coz they really look like little bears what..their heads are not proportional to their small body frame, dont look like cute teddy bears then look like what?...(cute is I add)
Tb(倚天屠龙): Hahahaaaha. Quite creative there.

Then my friend diverged to talk about Red Riding Hood, the Big bad wolf and his bear clubbing skills in the forest of China, which were not quite related to teddy bears. Anyway, to join the Club of Teddy Bears is an honour, since teddy bears are cute, lovable and huggable, like the Desert Rose and Hotseat. Somehow, words fail me, as I do not know how to best describe the last "bear", unless someone comes out with a nickname soon.