Saturday, August 04, 2007

Day of Coincidences

Met my army friend at Tampines MRT, who had to go back to NUS a day after his matric to get back his laptop accessory. "@#$@#$@ @#$@#$" (extremely racist, not for family viewing) were the constant words uttered as we took the train from Tampines to Harbour Front. "Make me go all the way back for nothing!" I had followed him as I wanted to find out more about my Ezlink card, NS and the NUS domain.

Happened to bump into ChongWan, Zhang yuan. He still looked the same despite his crew cut. He was attending some engineering orientation talk.

Went our separate ways after we had arrived at NUS. Almost got lost in the hill and probably walked kilometres, in trying to find the Engine Fac Mac. But the trip was worth it. Like a true blue Singaporean, out of the $4.40 extra value meals (?!), I chose the biggest and the most value of all, the Big Mac Meal! For once, I felt happy chomping on something so CHEAP.

Took back to Harbourfront and took bus 65 to Paradiz. Since my army friend signed up for NUS gaming club, he begged for me to take him as my protege. I agreed after much persuasion and begging(fake), imparting to him some DoTA skills. Even though we got trashed twice, which was due to his inaptitude, we finally won the last match which I humbly believe was due to my overwhelming power.

Bumped into Peiyi as we were both waiting for our bus back home. Seemed to be bumping into many familiar faces as time passes. Maybe it is time that is finally catching up on me.