Sunday, July 01, 2007

Greed is Good

Just read today's papers. Today is the 40th anniversary of NS; in a not-so-distant past, I was part of the compulsory service. ("Do not use force, it is too aggressive, say Service"-From Hot Fuzz).

Watched Hot Fuzz with Damien and Junda, before he left. A comedy/action film with over the top violence near the end of the show. Quite a nice show to watch.

Meanwhile, Ginway is back from Australia. Looks like Junda and Ginway are destined not to meet.

As I am typing this, there is a huge buffet being organised downstairs. Courtesy of our maintenance fees, we were entitled to one round of food. Being a true blue Singaporean, all the residents do what they are best at: queuing up. And when we reached our turn, we do what Singaporeans also do best: pile as much food as our hands can humanely carry. I look with amusement as I saw a committee member tick off a maid for piling up food. "You take so much, must think about others queuing up. What if they no food how?" If it is like that, he would have to scold every single resident already.

Supposed to write some testimonial. Urgh. I can't imagine they are going to put it up with my mugshot to boot. So troublesome.

It is said that many people play the game Second Life to live the dreams they never had. It is quite interesting to study the market forces online, to see the supply and demand situation; and of course, how to make your virtual cash grow. When a purchase is made, one wonders if it is going to be a long-term asset or it is gonna be devalued.

If only estate is as simple as that.