Decadent Times
Yes. As usual, I strolled to the canteen at RJ. Never realised that they have a 7-11 ministore until Zx pointed out to me. A fellow female J2 fencer recognised Zx's mug when we were outside looking at the 7-11. :S It has been 5 years since they last met, which means..the J2 was just a sec 2 when their paths had crossed. What a long time ago.
Qing chu yu lan, sheng yu lan. Literally translating , the green out of the blue, triumphing over the blue. With a higher population, the bell curve of creeps tends to be proportionately higher. If only we do not live in a fallen world.
Teachers are humans too. They get tired, angry, stressed. And they like to compare classes and see whether their observations tally with their colleagues. To me, GE and SE make no difference (GEP and Express in the past). As long as the students are willing to learn, I don't care them multi-tasking. I teach what I have to teach, whatever they learn is up to them. Yea. I think it is time to instil a little of the harsh reality outside to them now, a bit at a time. Such a laissez-faire attitude is sometimes helpful to prevent anger and a high cholesterol level.
Yes, as I was saying. Even though the campus is only 2 years, some students are, I must say, quite adventurous. Rumours have been floating around that the security guard, Elangor and the cleaners have caught some of the frisky ones,hmm..simply put, exploring the nether regions of their partner. -_- Hopefully, these rumours are untrue.
And the 7-11 sells FHM and Maxim. So, I cannot imagine a male student buying the magazines, at least openly, in front of a female student.
Times have changed. During my recess break, I found out from one of my colleagues that her ex-student (male) was given a SMS by a fellow female OG mate that she liked him. In effect, it was something like "Hi, I am so and so. I think I like you. " :S And so the hapless boy went back to consult and seek advice from his ex-teacher.
And RI was defeated in the Arena by Loyang sec. The boys look like meek lambs compared to the lions of loyang. Sad.
Seems that the female cohort has moved on with the times. The males have either stagnated or taken a step back.