Monday, January 08, 2007

Everyday Hundrum

Am glad to find company (yea, the Band of Brothers) in the form of Zx. The trip to Bishan was relatively short compared to the lonely days which I would slump against the MRT seat anad stare blankly at the tunnel wall. (otherwise attempt to sleep).

Weilei is currently taking a break, as the sec 3s are happily going for OBS for their orientation. Which means no income for one week. Cunning, the way the HR allocates people for relief teaching. Another new relief teacher(malay language) is added to my small cluster of teachers holed up in a classroom.

Meanwhile, Raymond is mugging feverishly for his medicine tests( yea again, as usual). Ken Toh and Eddie have both found relief teaching stints in a primary and a secondary school respectively.

For now, I can envision Zx and I eating ban mian at s11 everyday until the arrival of more reinforcements. Yea. Sieged by a cohort of 182 pupils is not a joke. Zhi En will arrive when Mrs Tan Lai Lin (yes, no more Miss Wong) goes for her maternity leave. Which means, I=6 classes, Zhi En= another six classes.

Other names that I recall included Glenn, Ashraf Maniam.

Deprived of a laptop, I have to resort to using mindmaps and whiteboard markers. Sorry if any student is deprived of a premium teaching experience, since I am also learning along the way. Hence, the last classes often benefit from the blunders that I made earlier on :S. They receive the crystallisation of the finest teaching that I have condensed (jokes, lame or otherwise included) into an hour.

Nooooooooo. Why must there be an assembly tomorrow?!