In the end, the motley crew of army boys comprising Eddie, Ivan, Alvin Ong and I turned up. No Da Vinci Code, as the seats are fully occupied. Spent the night eating Ben and Jerry's Ice-cream, talking about Alvin Ong's future career and an hour of LAN.
The world is such a small place. Saw my PC with his friends outside Paradiz. Like me, he is already in CCC (civilian conversion course), just that his is sooner than mine; his ORD is on July. Naturally, I am inept in all custom games except DoTA. While Alvin Ong and Eddie were happily killing monsters with their towers, mine was completely destroyed.
Money (to me) should only be spent on two things: delicious food and good games. If I am really feeling boliao, I might work part-time in Breadtalk, between post-army and pre-Uni. At least I would have sufficient pastries to last me through the months.