As I sat on a stone slab at the side of the unused gate, two puppies were frolicking on the ground near us. My comrade was seated opposite me, resting while the both of us waited for dawn...
The guard duty dog apparently sired two puppies, one black and one spotted. Both had acquired its inquisitiveness and playfulness. We trudged on in the unending journey ( a grand total of 24km). Rifles, an ultra-huge torch, walkie talkie added more to our burden as we went from checkpoint to checkpoint.
This week, as I had just recovered from viral poisoning (viral fever?), my beloved RSM threw two arrows at me. Guard duties on Wednesday and Friday. Gritted my teeth and tolerated (in short, suck thumb). After all, it ain't easy been an RSM whom managed to get himself hated by a combined battalion of 2 SIG, 1 SIG, NSMAN and our own battalion. For once, SAF is united; unanimous in the fact that he is utterly useless.
What infuriated(PISSES) me the most is that after I had meticulously managed to block the next week with my deserved off (avoiding bunk and hair inspection), I was forced to cancel that off and come back.
*RAGE* Looks like either someone's head need to roll, or I need to go Battlenet to create a rampage.... in the virtual arena of DoTA.