Sunday, January 01, 2006

Eve of 2006

Went to Katong Shopping Centre with the 4C class guys for LAN. As there were no more terminals left, Eddie Cai and I (rhymes..hoho) were reduced to being spectators. Nonetheless, it was a fun sight to watch as the RI 4C comrades (Julian, Jianyuan and Porko)battled their ways to each others base.

Ivan was, as usual, the Man of the Match. Every battle of DoTA, in which there is only a thin thread of victory and defeat, all lies in the hands (and mouse) of IVAN. Without Ivan, the game would not be as fun. Even Mingheng the pro needed to put in extra effort to secure a victory with the 4C guys.

At last, it concluded with the fitting climax of Ivan as the top scorer. I was reduced to a helpless baby wolf (as in my hero) from the vicious and brilliant display of teamwork, reminiscent of the synergy of Eddie and I .

Later, despite the dreary downpour, we went to eat Katong laksa. Ivan needed to bathe, so we waited for him while the rest left. We decided to watch the Chinese Tall Story. It was so LAME that it actually became funny. Beats the Promise hands down

Went to LAN again at marina. It was congested with addicted junkies like us. Fortunately we managed to secure 6 places and played till midnight.

It's unbelievable how packed the Esplanade can be. Ginway and I pushed our way through and used some army skills such as bashing through the bushes to take a shortcut. -.-''. Of course, with a huge volume of people comes a huge volume of creeps. :D.