Saturday, June 12, 2004

Back to RI

One day, my mother was checking through my dusty old file of certificates, until she noticed that I only had my result slip and no O' level certificate. Frantic, I looked at the back of the result slip:"This is not a certificate...". I still thought that there was no O level cert, until Zhengxian, Raymond and Youwei told me otherwise. Realised I was quite screwed, especially after Raymond had told me that some of his juniors had already received their certs. Apparently, there was an announcement last year that told our batch to collect back the certs after some time, which I had somehow missed. Had always thought that the certs were given out together with the slips.

So the journey back to RI began.Together with Damien, I went to the office and since it was during the June holidays, the school was unusually quiet. Felt relieved that the school still kept my laminated cert in one piece, and Ali chided me for being the 2nd last joker (yes 2nd?! not the last..amazing) in my batch to collect back my cert. (though if my mother had not checked, I would have let it collect dust for decades.) Had this wild vision that since RJ is shifting to RI campus next year at Bishan, it would be nice to collect both O and A level certs together...

After that, we went all the way to Bukit Batok MRT station to meet Junda. He turned out to be late as usual. Went to West Mall for some gaming experience, though we ended up sorely disappointed. The games there were so outdated and when we loaded our games, it turned out that one of our computers would always get stuck. Paid $5 most unwillingly, and vowed never to step into that LAN shop, or any LAN shop in arcades.

Had lunch at burger king before going to Junda's house. Basically went there to view some Kenshin and South park cartoons. The former was quite violent while the latter was just plain....nonsense. Went downstairs to have a short respite of soccer with Junda's neighbours. Damien and I had to leave just as the sun set. Accompanied Damien in the train to Khatib, before proceeding the rest of the 33 stops in silence. Cannot believe that I had to travel past 33 MRT stations before finally reaching home. Spend a total of 2 hrs just travelling from one end to the another, but its worth it for a reunion of old friends. :)