Thursday, March 17, 2005


Perhaps caused by the hot weather, I see little or no sign of activity on MSN or Battlenet. Where has everyone gone to?

Due to the searing heat that I endured during the National Education Trail, I succumbed to a slight fever (caused partly by my foolishness of refusing to wear a cap). Now I am confined to sleeping and eating at home. There is little joy in going online, since I know that most of my friends won't be there (strangely).

Wonder how is the future generation going to survive this kind of milieu---the increasing temperature and the extremely tough competition starting at primary school till retirement. Surely it does not bode well for them. :S

Rested enough, as I had spent the last 7 hours on my bed. Since I cannot do any physical workout, I shall read instead. Hopefully it doesn't bore me.