Wednesday, February 09, 2005


One of my closest friend cannot join us for the Treetop Community gathering on Friday. He has to do guard duty on the 3rd day of Chinese New Year. Another missed chance of meeting each other. Last time, we could talk about anything under the sun. Now it seems that both of us are tired. (laments) =(

Everything has lost its appeal to me; I have neglected many games which I used to relish in the past. Even as I blog now, I cannot find the appropriate words to describe my feelings as vividly as Hotseat can. The army trains our physical body, but neglects the mind. We are taught how to care for our rifle like our wives, but we have to put in extra effort to sharpen our intellect.

Have been reading some books, like the Word and LKY's memoirs, to keep myself busy, hoping that they will provide comfort to my mind. Wish to meet the others from the Treetop soon.